AES is Selling Vegetables!

24/09/2013 07:42

This is a Healthy Choice Fundraiser! -

Vegetables are conveniently sold in bundles & come in a recyclable shopping bag.

Bundle A - "A" is for Awesome!  - $10 - 2lb of Carrots, 2lb Yellow Cooking Onions, 5lb of Red Potatoes

Bundle B - "B" is for Bargain! - 5lb Carrots, 1lb Parsnips, 3lb Yellow Cooking Onions, 10lb Red Potatoes, 1 Head Green Cabbage


-    Promotes healthy food choices

-    Getting fresh veggies at or below supermarket prices thanks to Peak of the Market who's distributing and delivering the vegetables at cost

-    Supporting local Manitoba farmers

-    Supporting your school's nutrition guidelines

-    Learning about new recipes using Manitoba vegetables from

Deadline for Orders - Friday, October 18th, 2013 - Confirmed Vegetable Delivery Date - October 28th, 2013

You may order by contacting any students from AES or stop by the school to place your order.

Please help support AES!